Greetings to you!
I’m very happy to let you know that my latest Ancient Quest Mystery called The Lost Metal Library, which features Rick Braeden from Lost City of Gold, is now available on multiple retail sites (last year it was exclusive to Amazon). The story is a standalone archaeology adventure novel, & like Lost City of Gold, the story was inspired by real events & facts. It really was a ton of fun to write!
Here’s the story description:
Deep within Ecuador’s rainforest lies a vast subterranean world, and an incredible, yet dangerous secret…
The Tayos Caves System in Ecuador is one of the most astonishing, yet mysterious places on earth. It hides wondrous secrets, both ancient and deadly.
Rick Braeden has heard rumors of what treasure these hidden caves might hold, potentially one of the greatest discoveries of all time. Driven by a desire to prove himself and write his name into the history books, he hopes to uncover the truth of The Lost Metal Library and bring this discovery to light.
However, a shadowy enemy also seeks to possess this discovery and will let nothing, and no one, stand in their way.
Seeking this place of untold wonder may give Rick everything he ever hoped for, or cost him everything, even his life…
Here’s a universal link to the book, which should take you to the retailer of your choice:
Lost Metal Library Universal link
I’d love for you to give it a read, & if you do, I hope that you enjoy the adventure! If you do enjoy the story, posting a review on Amazon, or any of the other retailers, Goodreads, and/or BookBub would be greatly appreciated! It really helps the book’s visibility & gets the word out about the story to other interested readers.
Thank you & happy reading always!
Rai Aren